The Muafakat Games 2024, an annual sports event hosted by Malaysian
students in Australia, gains direct support from Education Malaysia
Australia and the High Commissioner. It unites students and alumni
nationwide, transcending differences in religion, race, and
background for spirited sporting competitions. This year, the Event
debuted as a rotating host location among regions; NSW, VIC, QLD,
and ACT, starting in Sydney, NSW. A student council formed by
leaders from these regions spearheads this inaugural event, setting
the stage for a lasting annual tradition.
Our Pillar
Unity Beyond Borders
Empowering the Malaysian Spirit
Leadership & Development
Contingents Participating
a) MASCA New South Wales (NSW)
b) MASCA Australian Capital Territories (ACT)
c) MASCA Queensland (QLD)
d) MASCA Victoria (VIC)
e) MASCA Western Australia
f) MASCA National (representing Tasmania, South Australia, and
Northern Territory)